WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Annex 2 Paper 2 20/04/05 VISIT Forum Draft Text for Inclusion in Summary Booklet for Sustainable Tourism Action Plan and Visitor Survey This booklet will be A5 in size and will be approximately 12 pages in length. The main text has been taken from the Sustainable Tourism Strategy and Action Plan and finalised Visitor Survey 2003-04. The final two pages will highlight ‘Recent Actions’ undertaken in association with the ViSIT Forum with photographs if possible and it is suggested that the following is included: • Development of Cairngorms Brand • Visitor Guide 2005 • Branding of TIC’s • Countryside Events Leaflet The final page will be titled ‘How to Keep in Touch’: Draft Text HOW TO KEEP IN TOUCH The main way of keeping in touch with tourism and visitor services developments in the National Park is through THE ViSIT FORUM The key role of the ViSIT Forum is to provide advice to the Park Authority as it develops policies on visitor services, tourism and information provision, but also to progress specific projects and initiatives. How often does it meet? The Forum meets approximately 6 times per year at different venues around the Park. Minutes and Papers from the meetings are placed on www.cairngorms.co.uk Membership and Chair Members include people from relevant organisations (government and nongovernment) and groups; and individuals who are able and willing to advise constructively on the development of and delivery of policy within the National Park. The Forum is chaired by a Board Member of the National Park Authority. Membership from organisations and groups includes: VisitScotland, Scottish Enterprise Grampian, Cairngorms Chamber of Commerce, Scottish Natural Heritage, Moray, Badenoch and Strathspey Enterprise, Ballater Royal Deeside, the local authorities, Scottish Enterprise Tayside, Upper Deeside Access Trust, National Trust for Scotland, Scottish Environment LINK, Association of Cairngorms Community Councils, Moray Tourism Forum, Forest Enterprise Representatives from the private sector include (list of main types of business represented) A full list of members can be found on the Park Authority website. Park Authority Staff with a link to tourism matters There are a number of staff at the Park Authority with an involvement in tourism matters, if you wish to discuss a tourism related issue please contact the main office in Grantown, 01479 873535 where your call will be directed to the best person to help you. How to contact us By Phone: 01479 873535 By Fax: 01479 873527 By e-mail: enquiries@cairngorms.co.uk By mail: 14, The Square, Grantown-on-Spey PH26 3HG